WIPpet Wednesday: Seriously Running Out of Stuff to Share

Like, seriously.

I have three works in progress. Technically four, but vampires are definitely back-burner right now. Practically off the stove, though I’ve had ideas for… you know what? Let’s do the ROW80 update first so we can talk about that.

ROW80 Update

It seems I’ve been a good little writer. I usually suffer from a constant fear of running out of ideas, because while my muse is good at keeping me entertained and always comes through for me, he’s also a bit of a stingy arse sometimes. I’ll have characters show up out of the blue, but no story to go with them. Or I’ll know that there’s more to a story, but I’m not allowed to see it until I finish the first part. In a way, it’s a blessing. It keeps me from trying to spread myself too thin. In another, it’s incredibly frustrating, because WHAT IF THIS IS ALL I HAVE TO OFFER?

No fear. Apparently finishing the draft of book 3 and reading it over earned me a bit of respect, and a few nights ago I filled a bunch more pages in my idea journal.

What I actually end up working on will depend on what readers want, of course. But if you like the world that Bound is set in, if you like the characters or are curious about certain bits of history… no spoilers, but you’ll be happy with my recent brain-vomit. I’m not going to say what or how much, but this world alone could keep me busy for the next four years.

But… I also had ideas for my vampires. If you’ve been around for a while, you might remember Shivva and co. Resurrection got fantastic responses from beta readers, but I haven’t had time to do anything with it. I also haven’t had time to finish drafting Sanctuary… but now I have ideas for three more novellas after those, and a bigger world than I expected.

And then there’s miss Catalen Sparrowhawk, who we’ve gotten to know a bit these past few weeks. I have no idea when I’ll get back to her, but I hope it’ll be before “Steampunk and related sub-genres” become as eyeroll-inducing to the general public as vampires are.

Not that that stopped my vampires from saying “shut up and write.”

So that’s my update. Lots of ideas, and I need to learn to manage my time better if I want any chance of getting them out to you before I get hit by a bus or something. Quality over quantity is always going to be my goal, but damn. It’s exciting to see the potential for quantity, too.

Today: visiting WIPpeteers/ROW80 people, on to scene 2 of book 3.


WIPpet Wednesday

So here we are. Guys… I’m about out of things to share. Torn will be off for editing soon (how soon depends on a few factors that I won’t go into right now), and I’m about out of non-spoilers. And book 3, which I’m revising now, is ALL SPOILERS. I can’t show you some great snippets because just saying who’s in them would be Torn spoilers.

One more from Torn, and than I might be out for a few weeks.

Today is 12/10… so 3 very short paragraphs (1+2=3). No context. Two characters in conversation.

“Thank you. So what happens now?”

“Life goes on as it should, I suppose,” I said, remembering Celean’s words.

Florizel snorted and tossed her head. “Nothing is as it should be. Life will go on, but for now we settle for things as they should not be, or we strive to make them right.”

The head tossing will make more sense when you meet this character. 🙂

Okay, that’s really it, until it’s time for pre-release teasers. Mwa ha.

For more WIPpeteer fun, click here for the linkie. Lots of authors posting from works in progress, lots of genres, lots of… like, words and stuff. Thanks to KL Schwengel for hosting. If you want to join in, post a snippet from a work in progress on your own blog, and make the selection relate somehow to the day’s date. Then link back, and be sure to visit everyone else. It’s just more fun that way. 🙂

For details on ROW80 (when is this round over, anyway?), click here.



About Kate Sparkes

Kate Sparkes was born in Hamilton, Ontario, but now resides in Newfoundland, where she tries not to talk too much about the dragons she sees in the fog. She lives with five cats, two dogs, and just the right amount of humans. USA Today bestselling author of the Bound Trilogy (mature YA Fantasy), Into Elurien, and Vines and Vices. Writing dark, decadent, and deadly Urban Fantasy as Tanith Frost. www.katesparkes.com www.tanithfrost.com View all posts by Kate Sparkes

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